Wallstories at the Fringe NYC
Thursday, August 11th, 2011It’s been 50 years since the Berlin Wall was built and we are in the middle of rehearsing Wallstories for the Fringe NYC festival here in New York. It’s interesting to reflect back on the Wall again this year but this time one the 50 years since it was build. Angela Merkel said in her speech to the President that the first political event from her childhood, she remembers distinctly is the building of the Berlin Wall 50 years ago. She was seven years old at the time. Seeing grown-ups, even her parents, so stunned that they broke out in tears, shook her to the core.
During that time, I was not even a thought in the Universe but I grew up with the Wall in Berlin. My reality was living with the Wall and it was hard to imagine another Berlin. Unlike Ms. Merkel, I grew up in the part of Germany that was free. For many years I heard of stories of Germans trying to escape the East side risking everything to be free. This awareness made me appreciate our freedom so much more. I never took it for granted because I knew that one day it could all be taken away like in he East side. But seeing the Wall come down as a Teenager was beyond my wildest dreams.
As Ms Merkel points out: “History has often shown us how much power the longing for freedom can unleash. It has now moved people in the Middle East to overcome their fears and openly oppose dictatorships, just as it did in East Germany and Europe around 22 years ago. The longing for freedom cannot be contained by walls forever. It was this
longing for freedom that brought down the Iron Curtain that divided Germany and Europe, even the whole world, into two blocks”.
With this thought I invite you to come and experience Wallstories which is based on reflections and memories of Germans living with the Berlin Wall. Wallstories will be shown at Fringe NYC as well as Fringe Chicago. During the month of August NY2Dance will give two intensive workshops at Dance New Amsterdam and Peridance Capezio Center for detailed information please see below
August 12th to the 28th, 2011
Performances of Wallstories during the New York International Fringe Festival. F
or tickets visit www.FringenNYC.org.
at the Dixon Place
FRI 8/12 @ 7:15-8:10 PM
MON 8/15 @ 3:00-3:55 PM
SUN 8/21 @ 4:15-5:10 PM
SAT 8/27 @ 4:00-4:55 PM
SUN 8/28 @ 4:15-5:10 PM
August 15th, 18th and 19th, 2011
Intensive Masterclass with NY2Dance @Dance New Amsterdam
280 Broadway # 2, New York, NY 10007
(212) 625-8369, www.dnadance.org
Mo 8/15@10AM- 12PM
Wed 8/17@10AM- 12PM
Fr 8/19@10AM- 12PM
@Peridance Capezio Center
126 East 13th Street, New York, NY 10003
(212) 505-0886, www.peridance.com
Mo 8/22 - Fr 8/26 daily @10AM- 1PM
Technique+ Repertoire
September 1st to the 11th, 2011
Performances of Wallstories during the Chicago Fringe Festival.
For tickets visit http://www.chicagofringe.org
at Chicago Fringe Festival
THU 9/1 @ 10PM
FRI 9/2 @ 7PM
SAT 9/3 @ 5:30PM