Berlin Wall Rehearsal 2
Wednesday, June 17th, 2009It’s so interesting working on the Berlin Wall piece. Its like a time travel for me. A journey through a time tunnel. I suddenly remember moments that have been laying dormant in my consciousness for the last 20 years. I am working on Mother by Pink Floyd and this song is part of The Wall album. It speaks about an over protective mother and son relationship or you can also see it as a metaphor for the overprotective Government of its citizen like in the case of Mother Russia or the East German Government taking care of its citizen. A wall that was build to protect its citizen from Fascism was so overprotective that it killed its own citizen, who were in search of freedom. How can something that kills also protect?
Another moment that I remember is that my journey as a choreographer and dancer started with Pink Floyd’s the Wall Album. It was one year after the wall in Berlin came down and I was about to graduate from the Albert Einstein Gymnasium (High school) in Berlin with my Abitur. For the Abiturabschluss (Graduating Party) I had choreographed to Pink Floyd and after the performance my art teacher was so impressed that she insisted I needed to be a dancer. I think because of the energy of the time and the feeling of everything was possible, I actually did follow her advice. And as you see the rest is history or better my-story. I don’t know i I would have been as crazy in the times we are living in right now. I think the times we live in influences our actions.